Tent caterpillars are: Kingdom Animalia, Phylum Arthropoda, Suborder Macrolepidoptera, Class Insecta, Order Lepidoptera, Family Lasiocampidae, Genus Malacosoma.
Images of five species are available at the Forestry Images web site. The five species are:
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Images of the western tent caterpillars are available by using the links provided.
These images are of Malacosoma californicum
Female with egg mass |
Egg case |
Pupa |
Larva |
Adult moths |
Adult closeup |
Tent |
Damage |
General Information |
Wing span - 3.75 inches. |
Proboscis - reduced. |
Male - rusty red. |
Female - tan. |
Wings - fore wings with two obliques pale lines. |
Larvae - form tentlike web among branches and leaves of ceanthous, bitter brush and other shrubs in spring. |
Eggs - attached in rings around twigs. |
Locale - high elevations on east side of Sierra Nevada Mountains. - Other species occur on west side up to 4000 feet elevation. |
Forestry Images is a joint project of The Bugwood Network and USDA Forest Service. The University of Georgia
Warnell School of Forest Resources and College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences - Dept. of Entomology. |
All images used are from the USDA Forest Service - Rocky Mountain Region Archives,USDA Forest Service |