Rocky Star Geology

Rocky Star Geology

Properties of Selected Minerals*

Information on this page is from:
1. Hurlbut: Dana´s Manual of Mineralogy 18th Edition
2. Mason and Berry: Elements of Mineralogy
3. U.S.G.S. Bulletin 770: The Data of Geochemistry.
These minerals are significant as they have been used in the laboratory and/or found on field trips.
1. To find a mineral, click on a letter.
2. To return to the alphabetical index, use your browser's Back button.

[ A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z ]


Class - Phosphates
Cleavage - poor, basal
Color- variable (green, bluish green, green, blue, violet, brown, colorless, red)
Crystal System - Hexagonal
Formula - Ca5(PO4)3 (F, Cl, OH)
Fracture - conchoidal
Hardness - 5
Luster - non-metallic (vitreous)
Streak - white
Other - Sometimes called Collophane.

Aragonite - see Calcite.

Class - Sulfide
Cleavage - distinct
Color - silver white to steel gray
Crystal System - Orthorhombic
Formula - FeAsS
Fracture - none
Hardness - 5.5 - 6
Luster - metallic
Streak - dark grayish black
Other - Most abundant arsenic mineral.

Class - Silicates
Cleavage - good, two planes at nearly right angles
Color - usually dark green to black
Crystal System - Monoclinic
Formula - Ca(Mg, Fe, Al)(Al, Si)2O6
Fracture -
Hardness - 6
Luster - non-metallic (vitreous)
Streak - white to gray
Other - Most important ferromagnesium mineral in dark igneous rocks. Augite is an example of the monoclinic members of the pyroxene group.

Class - Carbonate
Cleavage - perfect
Color - azure blue to very dark blue
Crystal System - Monoclinic
Formula - Cu3(CO3)2(OH)2
Fracture - none
Hardness - 3.5 - 4
Luster - non-metallic (vitreous)
Streak - light blue
Other - Forms in upper oxidized zone in reaction between carbonated water and copper minerals.


Class - Sulfate
Cleavage - perfect
Color - colorless to white, also yellow, brown, reddish, gray, greenish, or blue
Crystal System - Orthorhombic
Formula - BaSO4
Fracture - None
Hardness - 3 - 3.5
Luster - non-metallic (vitreous)
Streak - white
Other - Often found in crystals as a "Desert Rose".

Biotite - Black Mica
Class - Silicates
Cleavage perfect basal
Color - black, dark green or brown
Crystal System - Monoclinic
Formula - K(Mg, Fe)3(AlSi3O10)(OH)2
Fracture -
Hardness - 2.5
Luster - non-metallic (vitreous or pearly)
Streak - white to gray
Other - Used as an insulator. Part of the Mica Group:


Class - Carbonates
Cleavage - perfect rhombohedral
Color - colorless and transparent when pure
Crystal System - Trigonal
Formula - CaCO3
Fracture - none
Hardness - 3
Luster - non-metallic (vitreous - may be earthy in fine-grained massive forms)
Streak - white to grayish
Other - Effervesces freely in cold dilute hydrochloric acid (HCl). Polymorph of Aragonite.

Chalcedony (cryptocrystalline quartz)
Class - Silicates
Cleavage - none
Color - various
Crystal System - Trigonal
Formula - SiO2
Fracture - conchoidal
Hardness - 7
Luster - non-metallic (waxy or dull)
Streak - white
Other - Chalcedony is a group name for a variety of forms of extremely fine grained forms of quartz.
The group includes:

Class - Sulfides
Cleavage - none
Color - brass yellow, tarnished to iridescent
Crystal System - Tetragonal
Formula - CuFeS2
Fracture - uneven
Hardness - 3.5 - 4
Luster - metallic
Streak - greenish black
Other - Important source of copper.

Chert - see Chalcedony.

Class - Silicates
Cleavage - perfect basal
Color - green
Crystal System - Monoclinic
Formula - (Mg, Fe, Al)6(Al, Si)4O10(OH)8
Fracture -
Hardness - 2.5
Luster - non-metallic (vitreous to earthy)
Streak - white, pale green
Other - Alteration product of biotite and other ferromagnesian minerals in igneous rocks.

Class - Sulfide
Cleavage - perfect
Color - red, brownish red
Crystal System - Trigonal
Formula - HgS
Fracture - none
Hardness - 2 - 2.5
Luster - non-metallic (Adamantine)
Streak - scarlet
Other - Important ore of mercury.

Class - Oxide
Cleavage - none
Color - various: blue (sapphire), pink to blood red (ruby), also yellow (oriental topaz), yellow brown, green (oriental emerald), purple (oriental amethyst) to violet, pure corundum is white
Crystal System - Trigonal
Formula - Al2O3
Fracture -
Hardness - 9
Luster - non-metallic (adamantine to vitreous)
Streak - white
Other - Abrasive (emery) see color listings.


Class - Native Element
Cleavage - perfect
Color - pale yellow, brown, white to blue-white, orange, pink, blue, green, red, black
Crystal System - Isometric
Formula - C
Fracture - conchoidal
Hardness - 10
Luster - non-metallic (Adamantine)
Streak - white
Other - Popular gemstone.

Class - Carbonate
Cleavage - rhombohedral
Color - colorless and transparent, or white, gray or greenish, yellowish brown, also pink or rose
Crystal System - Trigonal
Formula - CaMg(CO3)2
Fracture -
Hardness - 3.5 4
Luster - non-metallic (vitreous to pearly)
Streak - white
Other - Effervesces slightly in dilute cold hydrochloric acid (HCl) in contrast to Calcite.


Class - Silicate
Cleavage - perfect
Color - Yellowish to brownish green ("pistachio green") to black
Crystal System - Monoclinic
Formula - Ca2(Al, Fe)3Si3O12(OH)

Fracture - none
Hardness - 7
Luster - non-metallic (vitreous)
Streak - white or grayish white
Other - In low- to medium-grade metamorphic rocks.


Flint/Jasper - see Chalcedony

Class - Halides
Cleavage - perfect octahedral
Color - pure form is colorless and transparent, commonly wine yellow, green, greenish blue, violet blue, also white, gray, sky blue, purple, bluish black, or brown
Crystal System - Isometric
Formula - CaF2
Fracture -
Hardness - 4
Luster - non-metallic (vitreous)
Streak - white
Other - Fluorescent under ultra-violet light.


Class - Sulfide
Cleavage - cubic
Color - lead gray
Crystal System - Isometric
Formula - PbS
Fracture -
Hardness - 2.5
Luster - metallic
Streak - lead gray
Other - Important source of lead.

Class - Silicate
Cleavage - none
Color - variable but dark red and reddish brown are common

Crystal System - Isometric
Formula - A group of isomorphous minerals with the general formula:
(Ca, Mg, Fe+2,Mn+2)(Al, Fe+3Cr+3)(SiO4)3
Fracture -
Hardness - 7 - 7.5
Luster - non-metallic (vitreous to resinous)
Streak - white or pale shade of the color of the specimen
Other - Garnet "sand" is used to manufacture sand paper.

Class - Silicate
Cleavage - Perfect
Color - Pale blue, lavender blue, dark blue to black
Crystal System - Monoclinic
Formula - Na2(Mg, Fe, Al)5Si8O22(OH)2
Fracture - None
Hardness - 6
Luster - non-metallic (vitreous)
Streak - white to blue gray
Other - Found in low and medium grade metamorphic rocks as an essential mineral in the Glaucophane schists.

Class - Hydroxide
Cleavage - perfect, parallel to side pinacoid
Color - blackish brown to yellow or reddish brown to brownish yellow in earthy forms
Crystal System - Orthorhombic
Formula - FeO(OH)
Fracture - uneven
Hardness - 5 - 5.5
Luster - metallic to dull; fibrous material silky; crystals adamantine
Streak - brownish yellow, orange yellow
Other - Usually forms from weathering of iron minerals, Glauconite, Magnetite, Pyrite, or Siderite.

Class - Native Element
Cleavage - perfect basal
Color - black, dark gray
Crystal System - Hexagonal
Formula - C
Fracture - none
Hardness - 1 - 2
Luster - non-metallic (dull)
Streak - black
Other - Common mineral of regionally metamorphosed rock.

Class - Sulfate
Cleavage - good in one direction
Color - colorless and transparent, also white, gray, yellowish when massive
Crystal System - Monoclinic
Formula - CaSO4 2H2O
Fracture - conchoidal
Hardness - 2
Luster - non-metallic (vitreous, pearly)
Streak - white
Other - Also known as: aggregates with parallel fibers is Satin Spar; fine-grained material is Alabaster; coarse, colorless and transparent is Selenite.


Class - Halide
Cleavage - perfect cubic
Color - colorless, white, gray, yellow, red, sometimes blue or purple
Crystal System - Isometric
Formula - NaCl
Fracture - none
Hardness - 2.5
Luster - non-metallic (vitreous)
Streak - white
Other - Most common water-soluble mineral.

Class - Oxide
Cleavage - none
Color - gray (crystals). sometimes iridescent, earthy material dull to bright red
Crystal System - Trigonal
Formula - Fe2O3
Fracture - uneven with basal parting
Hardness - 5 - 6
Luster - metallic to submetallic in earthy varieties
Streak - red or red brown
Other - Primary ore of iron. Magnetite has a higher iron content but hematite is more common.

Hornblende (Amphibole)
Class - Silicate
Cleavage - perfect with two planes meeting at 56 and 124
Color - dark green, dark brown, black
Crystal System - Monoclinic
Formula - NaCa2(Mg, Fe, Al)5(Si, Al)8O22(OH)2
Fracture - none
Hardness - 6
Luster - non-metallic (vitreous)
Streak - white to gray
Other - Common in medium grade metamorphic rocks and plutonic igneous rocks.
Part of Amphibole Group:


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Class - Triclinic
Cleavage - perfect basal but rare due to small grain size of clay
Color - white, often stained brown or gray by impurities
Crystal System - Silicate
Formula - Al4Si4O10(OH)8
Fracture - none
Hardness - 2
Luster - non-metallic (pearly if coarsely crystalline, usually dull and earthy
Streak - white
Other - Formed by decomposition of aluminosilicates, especially feldspars, either by weathering or hydrothermal activity.


Limonite (See Goethite).


Class - Oxide
Cleavage - none
Color - black
Crystal System - Isometric
Formula - Fe3O4
Fracture - none
Hardness - 5.5 - 6.5
Luster - metallic
Streak - black
Other - Strong magnetic nature.
Part of the Spinel Group:

Class - Carbonate
Cleavage - perfect
Color - bright green
Crystal System - Monoclinic
Formula - Cu2(CO3)(OH)2
Fracture - uneven
Hardness - 3.5 - 4
Luster - non-metallic (silky, velvety, dull, translucent)
Streak - pale green
Other - Used as a gemstone.

Microcline (see Orthoclase Feldspar).

Muscovite (White Mica)
Class - Silicate
Cleavage - perfect basal
Color - white (hence the name Muscovy, White Russian)
Crystal System - Monoclinic
Formula - KAl2(AlSi3O10)(OH)2
Fracture - none
Hardness - 2.5 (on cleavage), 4 (across cleavage)
Luster - non-metallic (Vitreous, pearly)
Streak - white
Other - Used as an insulator.
Part of the Mica Group:


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Class - Silicate
Cleavage - indistinct
Color - usually olive-green (hence the name), also white (Forsterite) and brown to black (Fayalite)
Crystal System - Orthorhombic
Formula - (Mg, Fe)2SiO4
Fracture - none
Hardness - 6.5
Luster - non-metallic (Vitreous)
Streak - white or gray
Other - Hydrothermal alteration produces serpentine; oxidation of the iron and removal of the magnesium and silica produces goethite or hematite.

Class - Silicate
Cleavage - none
Color - colorless (Hyalite) or white, also gray, brown or red (due to fine-grained impurities); also rich iridescence and play of colors (var. precious opal)
Crystal System - none, amorphous
Formula - SiO2 n · H2O
Fracture - conchoidal
Hardness - 5.5 - 6.5
Luster - non-metallic (Vitreous or waxy, colored versions are resinous)
Streak - white
Other - Solidified colloidal gel.

Class - Sulfide
Cleavage - perfect
Color - lemon-yellow to brownish yellow
Crystal System - Monoclinic
Formula - As2S3
Fracture - none
Hardness - 1.5 - 2
Luster - non-metallic (pearly, resinous)
Streak - pale yellow
Other - Arsenic mineral.

Orthoclase (K-spar, potassium feldspar, potash feldspar)
Class - Silicate
Cleavage - two planes at nearly right angles
Color - usually white or pink
Crystal System - Monoclinic
Formula - KAlSi3O8
Fracture - none
Hardness - 6
Luster - non-metallic (vitreous, sometimes pearly)
Streak - white
Other - Part of the Feldspar Group:


Class - Silicate
Cleavage - two planes at nearly right angles
Color - white or gray, sometimes reddish to reddish brown
Crystal System - Triclinic
Formula - (Ca, Na)(Al, Si)AlSi2O8
Fracture - none
Hardness - 6
Luster - non-metallic (vitreous, pearly)
Streak - white
Other - The Plagioclase Series is divided into six species. Using Albite as a reference they are:

  1. Albite is 100 - 90% (or NaAlSi3O8)
  2. Oligoclase is 90 - 70%
  3. Andesite is 70 - 50%
  4. Labradorite is 50 - 30%
  5. Bytownite is 30 - 10%
  6. Anorthite is 10 - 0% (or CaAl2Si2O8)

Class - Sulfide
Cleavage - none
Color - pale brass yellow
Crystal System - Isometric
Formula - FeS2
Fracture - conchoidal
Hardness - 6 - 6.5
Luster - metallic
Streak - greenish black or brownish black
Other - Also known as "fool´s gold."

Class - Oxide
Cleavage - perfect
Color - light to dark steel gray
Crystal System - Tetragonal
Formula - MnO2
Fracture - uneven
Hardness - 6 - 6.5 (crystals), 2 - 6 (massive material)
Luster - metallic
Streak - black
Other - Occurs as dendritic pattern.


Class - Trigonal
Cleavage - none
Color - crystals usually transparent (See Chalcedony)
Crystal System - Silicate
Formula - SiO2
Fracture - conchoidal
Hardness - 7
Luster - non-metallic (vitreous)
Streak - white
Other - Piezoelectric (see Chalcedony).


Class - Sulfide
Cleavage - good
Color - aurora-red to orange-yellow
Crystal System - Monoclinic
Formula - AsS
Fracture - none
Hardness - 1.5 - 2
Luster - non-metallic (resinous to greasy)
Streak - orange-red
Other - Arsenic mineral.

Class - Oxide
Cleavage - distinct
Color - reddish brown, pure TiO2 is white
Crystal System - Tetragonal
Formula - TiO3
Fracture - conchoidal to uneven
Hardness - 6 - 6.5
Luster - non-metallic (Adamantine to metallic)
Streak - pale brown or grayish black; TiO2 is white
Other - Titanium ore.


Class - Silicate
Cleavage - none observable
Color - usually green, also yellow, brown, reddish brown, and gray
Crystal System - Monoclinic
Formula - Mg6Si4O10(OH)8
Fracture - none
Hardness - 4 - 6 (variable)
Luster - non-metallic (waxy or greasy, silky)
Streak - white
Other - Coloration often resembles a serpent's skin hence the name.

Class - Silicate
Cleavage - poor
Color - often azure blue, may be white or pink
Crystal System - Isometric
Formula - Na8(AlSiO4)6Cl2
Fracture - none
Hardness - 6
Luster - non-metallic (vitreous)
Streak - white
Other - Associated with volcanic and plutonic rocks of the Nepheline/Syenite family.

Class - Sulfide
Cleavage - perfect dodecahedral
Color - brown to yellow
Crystal System - Isometric
Formula - (Zn, Fe)S
Fracture - None
Hardness - 3.5 - 4
Luster - non-metallic (resinous to nearly metallic)
Streak - brown to light yellow
Other - Important metal for zinc. Sphalerite occurs in hydrothermal veins and replacement bodies.

Class - Silicate
Cleavage - distinct
Color - brown
Crystal System - Monoclinic (pseudo-orthorhombic)
Formula - Fe2Al9O6(SiO4)4(O, OH)2
Fracture - none
Hardness - 7
Luster - non-metallic (Vitreous or resinous)
Streak - gray
Other - Twins often in the shape of a star hence the name.

Class - Native Element
Cleavage - none
Color - yellow to yellowish brown, may be white around volcanic areas
Crystal System - Orthorhombic
Formula - S
Fracture - conchoidal to uneven
Hardness - 1.5 - 2.5
Luster - non-metallic (Resinous to greasy)
Streak - white
Other - Often associated with the "bad smell" from volcanic areas (incomplete oxidation of hydrogen sulfide, H2S).


Class - Silicate
Cleavage - perfect basal
Color - usually pale green, also white or gray, may be stained reddish or brown by iron oxides
Crystal System - Monoclinic
Formula - Mg3Si4O10(OH)2
Fracture - none
Hardness - 1
Luster - non-metallic (pearly, greasy or dull)
Streak - white
Other - Mineral of low- to medium-grade metamorphic rocks rich in magnesium. It may be a major rock-forming mineral, such rocks are soapstone or steatite.

Class - Silicate
Cleavage - perfect
Color - colorless or white, also transparent pale blue, yellow, yellowish brown
Crystal System - Orthorhombic
Formula - Al2SiO4(OH, F)2
Fracture - none
Hardness - 8
Luster - non-metallic (vitreous)
Streak - white
Other - Transparent topaz is used as a gemstone.

Class - Silicate
Cleavage - poor
Color - usually black, also brown, dark blue, colorless (iron-free varieties); with lithium, pink, green, and blue; transparent form used as gemstone
Crystal System - Trigonal
Formula - Na(Mg, Fe)2Al6(BO3)3(Si6O18)(OH)4
Fracture - none
Hardness - 7.5
Luster - non-metallic (Vitreous)
Streak - white
Other - Occurs in granite pegmatites as rather large (2 - 4 inch) crystals; piezoelectric property used in construction of pressure gauges.

Class - Hydrated Phosphate
Cleavage - perfect
Color - sky blue, bluish green to apple green
Crystal System - Triclinic
Formula - CuAl6(PO4)4(OH)8 4H2O
Fracture - conchoidal to smooth in massive material
Hardness - 5 - 6
Luster - non-metallic (waxy, vitreous)
Streak - white or greenish to pale green
Other - Fine cryptocrystalline form is used as an ornamental or semiprecious stone.


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Class - Silicate
Cleavage - perfect
Color - yellow to brown
Crystal System - Monoclinic
Formula - Mg3Si4O10(OH)2 n · H2O
Fracture - none
Hardness - 1.5
Luster - non-metallic (Pearly, sometimes submetallic)
Streak - white
Other - Hydrothermal alteration of Phlogopite and Biotite.


Class - Silicate
Cleavage - perfect to good
Color - usually white, sometimes grayish
Crystal System - Triclinic
Formula - CaSiO3
Fracture - splintery
Hardness - 5
Luster - non-metallic (Vitreous, somewhat silky)
Streak - white
Other - Forms from metamorphism of siliceous limestones, occurs in igneous contact zones and high-grade regionally metamorphosed zones.


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* This List was updated on July 21, 2003

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