Rocky Star Math

Rocky Star Math

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Acceleration a = acceleration,
vt = terminal velocity,
vi = initial velocity,
t = time
Centripetal Force F = Centripetal Force,
m = mass,
v = velocity,
r = radius of path
Centripetal Force
Coulomb's Law F = Force between 2 charges,
k = constant,
q1 x q2 = product of charges,
d = distance between charges
Coulomb's Law
Gravity F = Force of attraction,
G = Gravitational constant,
d = distance between centers,
(m1 x m2) = product of masses
Kinetic Energy K = Kinetic energy
m = mass,
v = velocity
Kinetic Energy
Mass-Energy Relation E = Energy,
m = mass,
c = speed of light
Einstein's Law
Ohm's Law E = emf source,
I = current in circuit,
R = resistance of circuit
Ohm's Law
Potential Energy P = Potential energy,
m = mass,
g = acceleration of gravity,
h = vertical ditance (height)
Potential Energy
Velocity V = Velocity,
d = distance,
t = time
Work W = Work,
F = Force,
d = distance

Scientific Notation
Power of 10 E Notation Decimal Form Prefix Symbol
10 +12 E +12 1,000,000,000,000 tera T
10 +09 E +09 1,000,000,000 giga G
10 +06 E +06 1,000,000 mega M
10 +03 E +03 1,000 kilo k
10 +02 E +02 100 hecto h
10 +01 E +01 10 deka da
10 -01 E -01 0.1 deci d
10 -02 E -02 0.01 centi c
10 -03 E -03 0.001 milli m
10 -06 E -06 0.000 001 micro μ
10 -09 E -09 0.000 000 001 nano n
10 -12 E -12 0.000 000 000 001 pico p
10 -15 E -15 0.000 000 000 000 001 femto f
10 -18 E -18 0.000 000 000 000 000 001 atto a

Trig Relations
Right Triangle
Refer to the triangle for definitons

sin A   opposite  
sine csc A hypotenuse
cos A   adjacent  
sec A hypotenuse
tan A opposite
tangent cot A adjacent

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